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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
The New York Times has a good piece on how light is finally being shed on the eugenic past of the abortion industry.
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Dude...all I can say is wow! I can't believe they actually put the truth out there like that. The New York Times no less! I'm absolutely dumbfounded by this.
Anytime the mainstream media busts out this degree of truth, you know there is a whole lot more to it that they aren't willing to print. I know quite a bit of what I still assume is off limits to them.
I tell you one thing that's off limits - Bill Gates. He and his wife's foundation, as much as the liberals want to call it humanitarian, has been engaged in eugenics for quite a while. Gates' dad was the head of Planned Parenthood, and recently Gates made a comment about reducing the world's population through vaccines and abortion. Yes, you read right. The thing that supposedly saves lives by inoculation is evidently a tool of destroying them. This is nothing new. Obama's Science Adviser, Holdren, wrote about this back in the 70's. Direct Gates quote:
"If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [world population] by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent."
For those who don't know, "reproductive health services" is code for infanticide. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have given millions toward "reproductive health services" and vaccines in third world Africa.
Let's see how many of those little girls who get vaccinated will be able to have babies in the next 10-15 years. Maybe they'll be "one less" procreating African.
Oh and in case anyone has difficulty believing that quote from Gates, here is the link to the actual video filmed at a Ted Turner-sponsored event. By the way, Turner is also a eugenicist who has actually called for an 80% reduction in the global population.
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