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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Today is the 36th anniversary of the moral scourge called Roe v Wade. So it would seem appropriate that the MOST RADICALLY PRO-ABORTION president in history would choose this day to repeal laws which have helped lower abortion rates in the last eight years. God help us!
In one of his first acts as president, Barack Obama is planning to lift a rule that prevents federal money from going to international family planning groups that counsel women on abortion or perform the procedure.
He is also considering lifting Bush administration restrictions on federally funded stem cell research.
On the eve of Obama's inauguration, aides were still determining the schedule under which the 44th president would make specific announcements. But one date that has special significance in the debate over funding for international family planning groups is Jan. 22 -- the 36th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.

The rule prohibiting federal aid for international family planning groups, called the "Mexico City policy," was announced by President Reagan during a 1984 population conference in that city. Critics call it the "global gag rule" because it discourages family planning groups from discussing abortion.


sarah said...

Isn't it interesting how little of this gets reported in the news? [sarcasm]

Anonymous said...

You know, while I agree, I do appreciate the difference eight years have wrought in news coverage. Sure, the mainstream media is now even more biased in their coverage, but I don't pay attention to them anyway. Meanwhile, we have all of these other sources which didn't exist back when Clinton was prez... it will be really nice to be able to be informed of Obama's movements WHEN he makes them rather than three months later in some Focus on the Family letter.

Anonymous said...

Darius, you need to read this. Here is an excerpt:

"The leader of the Kenyan division of Marie Stopes, one of the worlds largest abortion providers, has told an AP reporter that he is eager to receive American funds now that President Obama has rescinded the Mexico City Policy."

Anonymous said...

So sad.

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